Sunday, 27 September 2009

Mission Statements

A mission statement is a short written statement which outlines the purpose of a business or organisation. It is designed to determine and influence the following factors:
  • The overall goals of the business
  • The direction of the business
  • Management's decision making
  • Provides the work force with a sense of purpose or direction
Examples of mission statements:

'Our mission is to be the consumer’s first choice for food, delivering products of outstanding quality and great service at a competitive cost through working ‘faster, simpler and together’.

(Sainsbury's PLC)

Our mission is to grow rapidly and profitably through innovation in mobile internet. In pursuing this mission, we will deliver value:
  • to shareholders through superior returns
  • to customers through solutions and devices that enhance their quality of life and
  • personal effectiveness
  • to staff through a stimulating environment that encourages innovation
(Psion plc)

"To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world. If you have a body, you are an athlete."



  1. In your own words, explain what you think a typical mission statement should contain
  2. Research the internet and find 10 examples of mission statements -copy them down and test a classmate - see if they can guess whose mission statement it is.
  3. Produce a mission statement for a local business of your choice
  4. Explain how a mission statement is linked to the aims and objectives of a business

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